Health Education England (HEE)

Nurse recruitment campaigns to support the NHS


What our client needed

Even before the coronavirus outbreak, nurse recruitment was a priority for the NHS and for government policy as a whole.To address the challenge, HEE developed a strategy to send personalised emails to young people thinking about studying nursing (and others considering a career switch) to help them through the process. The problem: to identify those people in the first place. We collected data from HEE’s website and from UK-wide recruitment events and planned four eCRM journeys based on individuals’ interests and where they were on the university application process. Tailored content then provided information, and guided people through the process.

What we gave them

Overall engagement with the campaign was high. Of the 49,000 people contacted, more than a quarter said they applied to UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admission Service) at some stage on the email journey.

Building complex digital customer journeys to help the NHS recruit our healthcare heroes

HEE engaged DCX to help transform their management of data and improve their communications. HEE”s existing data management process meant that they would receive data separately from a range of different sources, all of which were disparate and siloed.

What was the impact

We built a bespoke single customer view (SCV) to collate, store, and maintain all HEE’s marketing data, pulling together a range of sources using various data collection methods. We brought the registration data into Apteco FastStats to allow HEE to view a single version of truth for each individual record; access user information more freely; understand who has shown interest in multiple career areas within the NHS, and view up-to-date information, refreshed daily. HEE also made use of a series of Apteco Orbit dashboards to display registration data in a way that is more visual, accessible, and easy to understand.

As well as a new single customer view, HEE now has valuable dashboards to help them understand and size a potential audience for marketing campaigns, and also for quick access to performance reports from previous campaigns. Migrating marketing campaign journeys to Apteco PeopleStage has saved HEE a huge number of man-hours in developing each campaign journey.